17 January 2012


Started my first nannying job yesterday. BOOM.
I'm not gonna lie I thought 'how hard can it be' ... 

Funnily I would say with age I am less tolerant of children. I can not stand the endless wailing, unexplainable strops and fussy eating (obviously I did none of the above haha)

Today I made dinner and the youngest decides she doesn't want to eat it because it is 'yuckie'. The eldest very kindly reassures me that it is 'yummy' and says to ignore her because she is 'just fussy.' 

Hang on!There is no 'just fussy'. 'Just' implies that it is not a big deal 'oh i'm just tired' yehhh well, there is no 'just fussy' when fussy people are the hardest ones to live with! 
BUT it wasn't the fact that she didn't like it that got to me (fair enough, matter of taste) but the way she worded her complaints "urghhhh disgustingggggg what is thisss yuckkk". I mean, can a cheese sauce really get that reaction from a child who loves milk and cheese?? Apparently so!
Manners are the most important quality to have in life!

The meal ends in me saying she only has to eat half of the, already tiny portion on her plate (which was more of a compromise than I had wanted to make). 
She point blank refused. 
I say four words that result in tears and her climbing inside one of those chairs covered in material, and lashing out every time I approach. Never ideal.
'You are being babyish!' 

People say even the smallest things can offend, and bam, here's the example!
If I were talking to a mate I would have force fed them and told them to MAN UP. I feel I would have done the same if they were my own children. But in this situation I lost the battle. 
Second day and the nanny's a push over! Girls 1-0 Nanny.

Tomorrow is fish and they WILL like it! 

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