17 January 2012


Started my first nannying job yesterday. BOOM.
I'm not gonna lie I thought 'how hard can it be' ... 

Funnily I would say with age I am less tolerant of children. I can not stand the endless wailing, unexplainable strops and fussy eating (obviously I did none of the above haha)

Today I made dinner and the youngest decides she doesn't want to eat it because it is 'yuckie'. The eldest very kindly reassures me that it is 'yummy' and says to ignore her because she is 'just fussy.' 

Hang on!There is no 'just fussy'. 'Just' implies that it is not a big deal 'oh i'm just tired' yehhh well, there is no 'just fussy' when fussy people are the hardest ones to live with! 
BUT it wasn't the fact that she didn't like it that got to me (fair enough, matter of taste) but the way she worded her complaints "urghhhh disgustingggggg what is thisss yuckkk". I mean, can a cheese sauce really get that reaction from a child who loves milk and cheese?? Apparently so!
Manners are the most important quality to have in life!

The meal ends in me saying she only has to eat half of the, already tiny portion on her plate (which was more of a compromise than I had wanted to make). 
She point blank refused. 
I say four words that result in tears and her climbing inside one of those chairs covered in material, and lashing out every time I approach. Never ideal.
'You are being babyish!' 

People say even the smallest things can offend, and bam, here's the example!
If I were talking to a mate I would have force fed them and told them to MAN UP. I feel I would have done the same if they were my own children. But in this situation I lost the battle. 
Second day and the nanny's a push over! Girls 1-0 Nanny.

Tomorrow is fish and they WILL like it! 

9 January 2012


 I've played since I was 10 years old. 
I picked it up pretty quickly and was unbelievably keen. Every day after school I would set up my 'drum kit'. This consisted of 4 metal saucepans, two whisks being held up in mugs (acting as the cymbals!!) and a very hefty foot (the bass drum!) The only REAL part were the drum sticks, and before they came along it was down to the wooden spoons!
I still remember when my dream came true... It came to my 10th birthday and a delivery man came to the door with a number of GINORMOUS boxes...I got my very own racing green drum kit!

I am 20 years old and when I meet people they always think I am a LOT older than I am...
This is not because I am a very
mature person (I think the picture
 demonstrate that!) but because I have a very expression-ary? face! 
If I tried to have a conversation with out moving my face it would be a struggle. 
BUT even though when I am 30, and people will look at the wrinkles 
 have accumulated over the years(from the ridiculous expressions that just wazz up on my face from time to time, and the silly ones I pull just for fun)they will judge me to be at LEAST 10 years older. 

I don't think this is a bad thing. You don't need to take life seriously all the time, sometimes it is necessary, but it is much easier getting yourself and others through the harder times when you have a silly face tucked away in your pocket!

2 January 2012

Tinsel Shirt!

Spent new years eve day with my best mate Batman in Wales. We watched the inbetweeners, had beans on toast (WINNER) and then browsed the shops before I hopped onto a gruelingly long train to St Albans, for what was a BANGING FANCY DRESS party with the delightful Kfedland and LittleBUM (I expected NO LESS!)I had been thinking through the travel/changing situation for some time, and was still a little weary of hopping on the 3.30 Neath to Paddington , then tubing it, then training it, to arrive in St A's at 8pm!! Some may say traveling that 'hourage' in full gear would've been a little keen, and perhaps asking to be shanked on the tube, so I opted out. This meant I was to change on the 7.21 to St A's. EPIC. My choice of fancy dress was a 60's Dj. This was purely because I was looking in a charity shop and saw what can only be described as a LITTLE PUPPY of a shirt...
In essence it was a shirt made of woven tinsel! It made for an itchy night ending in chafed armpits. Had I been busting my usual moves I most definitely would've had a bead on. GRIM. So half changed I arrived in St A's. I then headed to the ladies where I was greeted by Chantella. WOW. I love how it is suddenly OK to speak random shit to a random someone in a loo JUST because it's NEW YEAR. I know that given a normal day, Chantella would not have given me the time of day. But ohhh no, we are tight! She borrowed my phone to text her ex who she used to live with and is planning on boomTANGING tonight. She then asked where she could get the (UNIQUE) tinsel shirt, AND she EVEN got involved on the GLITTER. We then hugged it out and went our separate ways.
This is why you've got to BLOODY LAP UP the sacred times of the year when people suddenly remember (for a VERY short amount of time) it's inhumane to ignore everyone simply because you don't know their name. Then came the bossing night. BOOM.

1 January 2012

A new beginning

I'm Hicks!

Never done this blogging malarkey, I'm  rubbish with technology, so was having a bit of a mare setting it up. Definitely needs a tweak or two! Shit hit the fan a few months ago when I got brutally shoved off the pavement by a sketchy character. I'm starting everything new, so thought i'd start a blog.

Over and Out