9 January 2012


 I've played since I was 10 years old. 
I picked it up pretty quickly and was unbelievably keen. Every day after school I would set up my 'drum kit'. This consisted of 4 metal saucepans, two whisks being held up in mugs (acting as the cymbals!!) and a very hefty foot (the bass drum!) The only REAL part were the drum sticks, and before they came along it was down to the wooden spoons!
I still remember when my dream came true... It came to my 10th birthday and a delivery man came to the door with a number of GINORMOUS boxes...I got my very own racing green drum kit!

 Along with these two little fiiiends! 
Ted and Bell
Ted was my sister's first teddy. When I went away to school she gave him to me to keep me safe! He succeeded. 
Bell got her name for the simple reason she had a bell inside. 
When I was young I had a strange obsession with wanting things to look a lot older than they were (hence why I am not that bothered about my severely over-aged face now!) But I wanted Bell to go through the same stages.
Truth be known it was because although Ted was only 17 months older than Bell, he had worn out bits around his mouth and even had a bald patch on the back of his head. His body also looked really old (now I can see it actually looks pretty scrot ha)
 all I wanted was for Bell to be as 

There was only one way... she's have to go under the scissors!
I can remember it vividly. I either thought it was a very naughty thing to do, or I wanted my sister to think the change was 100% natural because I armed myself with scissors and tissues, positioned myself behind the bed, out of sight, and began the secret make-over!
Bell's hair and tummy were attacked.

To this day, she sports a rather uneven(edgy)trim! 


  1. Teddy torture dicks? That's grim even for you!!
    And I really want to see on the drums, can imagine a little little chef rocking a sax? Cos he did! Fact!
    Loving your blog

  2. 'scrot' hahahaha. L x
